The Foundation

Privacy policy for the Fundació Salut i Envelliment UAB website


Identity: Fundació Salut i Envelliment UAB (FSiE UAB)

Tax Identification Number (NIF): G61612925

Postal address: Casa Convalescència, C/ Sant Antoni M. Claret 171, 08041 Barcelona.

E-mail address:

Delegate for data protection:

  • E-mail address:
  • Postal address: Avinguda Can Domènech s/n, Edifici Blanc del Campus de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 08193 Cerdanyola del Vallès (Barcelona)
  • Telephone: 663 08 99 71 (from Monday to Thursday, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and Friday, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.)

A. Right to information

This privacy and data-protection policy regulates access to and use of the services on the website and those of any other websites that Fundació Salut i Envelliment UAB makes available to internet users who may be interested in its services and contents.

Pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of 27 April 2016, on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (GDPR), and to Law 34/2002, of 11 July, on Information Society and E-Commerce Services (LSSICE), Fundació Salut i Envelliment UAB has implemented the technical and organisational security measures needed to guarantee and protect the confidentiality, integrity and availability of data provided.

B. Purpose of data processing

The data of users who have registered using the designated forms on the website is collected by Fundació Salut i Envelliment UAB and processed in accordance with the provisions of the GDPR, for the purpose specified in the list of data-processing operations of Fundació Salut i Envelliment UAB – available on this link.

Fundació Salut i Envelliment UAB will not process users' personal data for any purpose other than the above, unless under obligation by law or court order.

Users' data will be kept on file throughout the period specified in the aforementioned list of data-processing operations.

C. Information required of users, information provided voluntarily, and accuracy of information

Required fields, usually marked with an asterisk (*) in forms to be completed by users, are essential for handling users’ requests. Information requested in the other fields is of an optional nature.

Users guarantee that the personal details given to Fundació Salut i Envelliment UAB are accurate and assume responsibility for notifying Fundació Salut i Envelliment UAB of any amendments made.

D. Legal justification

The legal basis for processing users' data is the consent they give to the performance of the aforementioned operations, on marking the corresponding box as they fill in the online forms.

If they do not provide the personal details requested or do not accept this privacy policy, they will be unable to subscribe, register or receive information about the services and products associated with the objectives of the Fundació Salut i Envelliment UAB website.

If there is a prior contractual relationship between the parties, the need to fulfil any administrative, tax, accounting, or employment-related obligations under current law will derive from the pre-existing commercial relationship between the parties.

E. Newsletters and emails

Fundació Salut i Envelliment UAB may offer a newsletter service to users who have previously given their authorisation on the registration form set up for this purpose. This newsletter will feature the latest news and highlights from the website. Users may unsubscribe or modify their subscription details for the newsletter by using the interactive form on the website.

Fundació Salut i Envelliment UAB also informs users that it will send commercial communications by electronic means with information on other products, services and events that may be of interest to users of its website who have specifically requested it. Users may at any time revoke their consent to this. However, revocation of consent does not affect the legitimacy of any data processing carried out prior to the revocation.

F. Addressees

Users' data may be passed on to the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, or to other institutions or companies that are associated with it or with Fundació Salut i Envelliment UAB, for the same purposes.

Likewise, their data may be passed on to the addressees on the list of data-processing operations – available on this link.

G. Security measures

The data that users provide will be kept confidential. Fundació Salut i Envelliment UAB has adopted all technical and organisational measures and all levels of protection needed to guarantee security in data processing and avoid any alteration, loss, theft, or unauthorised processing or access, in accordance with the nature and state of technology of the stored data. Fundació Salut i Envelliment UAB also guarantees that data processing and registration in files, programmes, systems or devices, offices and centres comply with the integrity and security requirements stipulated in current regulations.

H. Cookies and IPs

Users accept the use of cookies and IP tracking, which allows Fundació Salut i Envelliment UAB to gather data for statistical purposes, for example: date of the first visit, number of visits, date of the last visit, source URL and domain, browser used and screen resolution. However, users can disable and/or delete these cookies by following their browser's instructions.

I. Spamming

Fundació Salut i Envelliment UAB does not use spamming techniques and will only process the data provided by the user on the electronic forms set up on this website or through e-mail messages.

J. Rights of users

Users have the right to revoke their consent at any time. However, revocation of consent does not affect the legitimacy of any data processing carried out prior to the revocation.

In addition, users have the following rights:

  • All persons have the right to be informed as to whether or not any personal data that concerns them is being processed at Fundació Salut i Envelliment UAB.
  • Users have the right to access their personal data, ask for any inaccuracies to be rectified, or ask for the data to be deleted if, for example, it is no longer necessary for the purpose it was collected for.
  • In certain circumstances, as specified in Article 18 of the GDPR, users may ask for the processing of their data to be restricted. In such a case Fundació Salut i Envelliment UAB will only retain the data in order to pursue or defend claims.
  • In some situations, users may, for reasons related to special personal circumstances, object to the processing of their personal data. Fundació Salut i Envelliment UAB will stop processing the data, except for legitimate, compelling reasons or in order to pursue or defend claims.
  • By virtue of the right of portability, users may retrieve their personal data in a structured, commonly used machine-readable format and transfer it to another responsible entity.

 These rights may be exercised as follows:

  • By writing a letter to Fundació Salut i Envelliment UAB, at its registered office address: Avinguda Can Domènech s/n, Edifici Blanc del Campus de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 08193 Cerdanyola del Vallès (Barcelona).
  • By sending an email to

Should users consider that their rights have not been properly upheld, they can lodge a complaint before the Catalan Data Protection Authority (APDCAT).

K. Changes to the current privacy policy

Fundació Salut i Envelliment UAB reserves the right to amend this policy to align it with changes in the law or jurisprudence.

L. Legislation

For all purposes, the relationship between Fundació Salut i Envelliment UAB and users of its web services is governed by the laws and jurisdiction of Spain, to which the parties expressly submit. The Courts of the City of Barcelona are the competent jurisdiction for the resolution of any kind of dispute that may arise in connection with the use of these services.

Users accept that the Catalan version of this document prevails over any other language version.

Fundació Salut i Envelliment UAB is the owner of all intellectual property rights over the design and content of the website

Fundació Salut i Envelliment UAB is the owner of the industrial property rights over its products and services, and specifically over registered trademarks.